Vacation disasters

25 08 2009

I am so sorry I haven’t been on in like a month. I had lots of things going on. I will get to them, just read the post :]

These ate rough times my friends…

That sleep over I was talking about in my last post went terribly! Had lots of candy and popcorn but drank lots of cold water and snuck off to my room for some quick exercising which must have payed off because that next day I looked practically the same!

Then my evil twin started to get a little suspicious of my sketchy eating habits, had to lay low. I didn’t plan on updating for a day or two.

Then I was really tired from not eating, couldn’t stay up and post.

Had a doctors appoitment for a sports physical. My mom said she wanted to check to see if I was anemic (iused to be) but I just think she wanted to know my weight…. It was 109!! Ew! I gained so much!

THEN I had to go on vacation for about ten days, just got back today. It went pretty well. I felt rather clever when I had light chunky tuna with some salsa, both of which I bought at a gas station, while the rest of my family ate 800cal subs from subway. Hehehe. Sadly, second to last day, my aunt made German chocolate cake and she already set it out before hand so I had to hungrily stare ate it throughout the whole meal. I ate it. Planned on doing lots of exercise bcuz I had a room to myself for once(staying at my aunts house). But no, my evil twin gets scared of her room bcuz my dad told her there were freaking ghosts in that room and she gets too freaking scared and ends up sleeping with me! God I hate my dad. He calls my depresive episodes “funks” and tells me to just get out of them! He’s so ignorant!!!

Then I realize later the next day Thad I happen to get fat on that rare monthly gift day. If you follow. One that I had been tryingbto avoid since last Friday. Till I got fat. Had a minor emergency bcuz we were in a hotel that night and I left my “supplies” in the car. Wonderful. I has my asshole father get my bAg for me, the day was saved. But I still hate getting it. Once I went six months without it because of ana. Pure bliss that was. If only it was so easy now…
I’m thinking I might just let it go so then if I slip up during the school year I won’t get it as fast or something.

Therapy on Wednesday. Thank god!

I had panera for dinner but before that I was up to just 300cals for the day. That’s when I decided I would just let it go for the week to let my buisness finish were it should. It was delicious. I kinda binged a little when I got home though. Wheat thins are my ultimate weakness. If they had less calories that would be all I would eat for the rest of my life ;)

Adios for now updates again tmro. Thinspo too :)