ugh, so confused!

30 09 2009

so i know i haven’t posted in awhile, that’s sort of what i want to talk about.

lately iv been feeling really confused about the whole anorexia thing. one day im like, whats the point?, and the next day im like, i just want to see my hip bones again!.
right now iv been eating kind of normally. i dont eat breakfast and have a 100 calorie lunch, sadly when i get home though i kinda of binge a little. usually on yogurt, tortias, wheat thins, or cashews. then i have a small portion of whatever my mom makes for dinner.

i have many possible explinations as to why i am suddenly uninterested in staying ana.
it was just a summer thing
schoools too hard to be this disordered
guys wont like me
people will find out
evveryones suspicious

well iv decided those reasons are stupid.
make it a winter thing
schools too hard to eat normal
guys hate fattys
people will find out eventually, they always do
so what if they’re suspicious? what are they gonna do about it?

so im starting my thinspo book again and im going to plan some meals later this week when i dont have as much homework.

on another note.
i like this guy.
i still think i might be bisexual though.
i told my therapist about both those things, she said it might just be a phase. im not so sold yet though.

more notes that need to be discussed.
the stress is going to make me binge, i know it. i just have to keep strong and get rid of the three boxes of wheath thins my mom thinks she needs to buy every time she goes grocery shopping. hopefull in the trash and NOT in my mouth…

updating thinspo tonight, hopefully!
