lost more && conquered

15 12 2009

finally down to about 100 lbs again! im so proud of myself :)

any ways over the weekend my family had company over so obvious ther was delicious foods. and plus too, its the holidays! so again HIGH CALORIE FAT MAKING FOODS. UGH.

the goodnews.

i resisted almost every bad thing! we have like a dozen bagels from einstien bagel bros. , my dad got me a chocolate cupcake from somewhere, at this party this weekend there was cheese lasagna (this one was easiest to resist haha), and of course the wheat thins, and icream, and cookies that i have stashed around the house. BUT I RESISTED THEM ALL. and even if what i just said was triggering for you, you can keep that temptaion off because i did and so can you!

the badnews.

since iv lost weight im a little worried about how my friends and family will react if they notice :\

i have a meeting with my psychiatrist later this week and i think he might weight me or something or order tests on my blood because i used to be anemic and my mom suggested it last time we visited. ugh….. im so scared. what if he makes me go into rehab or something or go into hospitalization. OR eve worse go to one of those eating disorder places for teens where they make you eat like a bazillion calories per meal!?

well i guess we’ll cross that bridge when it gets here…

ttfn :)

some extra inspiration: